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Full Stack Development

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The full-stack development course is a comprehensive package that teaches both front-end and back-end development. In the olden days, companies used to hire full-stack developers to develop complete software / applications, so learning many techniques was very challenging.. With Full Stack Development training, your value as a programmer or software developer grows considerably. If you can work in any organization and handle the entire web development process on your organization, you become an inseparable asset to recruiters. There is only one language you need to learn to be able to work on these stacks and that is JAVASCRIPT. After having completed this training, you will be able to handle front end development, back-end development, as well as everything associated with database aspects. The development process can be sped up with accurate skills.


Sidharth singh

Hello, I'm Sidharth Singh, an enthusiastic instructor in Full Stack Development at Creative Web Pixel. With a passion for empowering students with the latest tech skills, I'm dedicated to guiding you toward a successful and fulfilling career in web development. Let's code the future together!

Course : Full Stack Development


₹ 32000


Sidharth singh


9 month


05 Live Project


Term 01
Frontend Development
  • HTML

  • CSS

  • JavaScript

  • Responsive Design

  • CSS Frameworks (e.g. Bootstrap)

  • Frontend Frameworks (e.g. React Angular Vue)

Term 02
Backend Development
  • Introduction to Backend

  • Node.js

  • Express.js

  • RESTful APIs

  • Databases (SQL and NoSQL)

  • ORM/ODM (e.g. Sequelize Mongoose)

Term 03
Database Management
  • Database Design

  • SQL (e.g :- MySQL PostgreSQL)

  • NoSQL (e.g. :- MongoDB)

  • Database Operations (CRUD)

Term 04
Introduction to React.js
  • What is React.js?

  • Why use React.js?

  • Setting up a React.js development environment

Term 05
React Basics
  • JSX syntax

  • Components and props

  • State and lifecycle methods

Term 06
Advanced React Concepts
  • Hooks (useState | useEffect | useContext)

  • Context API

  • Redux for state management

Term 07
Building a Project with React.js
  • Setting up a project

  • Creating components

  • Managing state with Redux

Term 08
Routing in React.js
  • Using React Router

  • Creating routes and nested routes

Term 09
Optimizing React.js Applications
  • Performance optimization techniques

  • Code splitting and lazy loading

Term 010
Testing React.js Applications
  • Unit testing with Jest and React Testing Library

  • Testing Redux applications

Term 011
Deploying React.js Applications
  • Building a production-ready application

  • Deploying to hosting services like Netlify or Vercel

Term 012
Introduction to JavaScript
  • What is JavaScript?

  • Setting up a development environment

  • Writing your first JavaScript program

Term 013
JavaScript Basics
  • Variables | data types | operators

  • Control flow and loops

  • Functions and scope

Term 014
JavaScript Objects and Arrays
  • Working with objects

  • Working with arrays

  • Array methods (map | filter | reduce)

Term 015
Asynchronous JavaScript
  • Callbacks

  • Promises

  • Async/await

Term 016
DOM Manipulation
  • Selecting elements

  • Modifying elements

  • Event handling

Term 017
Working with APIs
  • Fetch API

  • Consuming RESTful APIs

  • Error handling

Term 018
JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
  • Introduction to popular libraries/frameworks (e.g. jQuery | React | Angular)

Term 019
Advanced Functions
  • Higher-order functions

  • Closures and lexical scoping

  • Currying and partial application

Term 020
Functional Programming in JavaScript
  • Immutable data structures

  • Pure functions

  • Function composition

Term 021
Design Patterns in JavaScript
  • Singleton pattern

  • Factory pattern

  • Observer pattern

  • Module pattern

  • Revealing module pattern

Term 022
ES6 and Beyond
  • Generators and iterators

  • Proxies and Reflect API

  • Symbols and their uses

Term 023
Performance Optimization
  • Code optimization techniques

  • Memory management best practices

  • JavaScript engine internals

Term 024
Testing and Debugging Advanced JavaScript
  • Using performance profiling tools

  • Advanced debugging techniques

  • Unit testing asynchronous code

Term 025
JavaScript Tooling and Workflow
  • Task runners (e.g. Gulp | Grunt)

  • Module bundlers (e.g. Webpack | Rollup)

  • Linters and code formatters (e.g. ESLint | Prettier)

Term 026
Advanced Browser APIs
  • Web Workers

  • Service Workers

  • WebSockets

Term 027
Security Considerations
  • Cross-site scripting (XSS) prevention

  • Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) prevention

  • Content Security Policy (CSP)

Term 028
Introduction to Node.js
  • What is Node.js?

  • Features and advantages of Node.js

  • Setting up a Node.js development environment

Term 029
Node.js Basics
  • Understanding the Node.js runtime

  • Working with the Node Package Manager (npm)

  • Modules and the CommonJS module system

Term 030
Building Web Servers with Node.js
  • Creating a basic HTTP server

  • Routing requests

  • Handling HTTP requests and responses

Term 031
Asynchronous Programming in Node.js
  • Understanding the event loop

  • Using callbacks | Promises and async/await

  • Handling asynchronous operations in Node.js

Term 032
Working with Express.js
  • Introduction to Express.js

  • Creating routes and handling requests

  • Middleware and error handling

Term 033
Building RESTful APIs with Node.js
  • Designing RESTful API endpoints

  • Implementing CRUD operations

  • Using Postman for API testing

About This Course

The full-stack development course is a comprehensive package that teaches both front-end and back-end development. In the olden days, companies used to hire full-stack developers to develop complete software / applications, so learning many techniques was very challenging.. With Full Stack Development training, your value as a programmer or software developer grows considerably. If you can work in any organization and handle the entire web development process on your organization, you become an inseparable asset to recruiters. There is only one language you need to learn to be able to work on these stacks and that is JAVASCRIPT. After having completed this training, you will be able to handle front end development, back-end development, as well as everything associated with database aspects. The development process can be sped up with accurate skills.

Full Stack training courses in Jaipur

The full-stack development course is a comprehensive package that teaches both front-end and back-end development. In the olden days, companies used to hire full-stack developers to develop complete software / applications, so learning many techniques was very challenging.

With Full Stack Development training, your value as a programmer or software developer grows considerably. If you can work in any organization and handle the entire web development process on your organization, you become an inseparable asset to recruiters. There is only one language you need to learn to be able to work on these stacks and that is JAVASCRIPT. After having completed this training, you will be able to handle front end development, back-end development, as well as everything associated with database aspects. The development process can be sped up with accurate skills.

What is the scope of a Full Stack Development course?

At Creative Web Pixel, the full stack development training program is a certified program that trains students to build apps from scratch. We combine all modules together to get a great experience. After this course, it will not only brush up your programming skills but will also enhance your resume. We equip our students with advanced technology to become professional full stack developers.

Why Choose Creative Web Pixel for Full Stack Training Course?

We provide you with the opportunity to build web applications with the Full Stack Training Course in Jaipur. Our full-stack instructors have a solid understanding of programming fundamentals. The student will have time to get acquainted with API, server, database, etc. In addition, it provides a wide range of opportunities, where a student can explore the role of a job in software development.

The course is designed by Full Stack instructors.

Live examples and resources are used to provide detailed training.

Train them as IT professionals on a 9-to-5 schedule.

All technical concepts are covered by the trainers and all queries are answered promptly.

Students have access to all tools and licensed software.

Give the opportunity to work on real-time projects to gain a deeper understanding.

Mentoring by industry experts to sharpen technical skills.

Learn the ethos of the future tech industry through advanced programs.

24/7 access to online classes, lectures, and study materials.

After the training program has been completed, 100% placement assurance is provided to the aspirants.

Our Deliverables

Creative Web Pixel has become a top-notch IT full stack training institute in Jaipur that offers a full-fledged training environment, high-class corporate culture, and interactive sessions with industrial experts:-

Quality Training.

Industry Experts Trainers.

Concepts with strong technical foundations.

Training on live projects.

Assessments every week.

Training Certificate/Internship Letter.

Participate in a free interactive session.

Programs for career awareness.

Soft Skill Development.

Industrial Training Program.

Complete Corporate Experience.

100% Placement Assurance.

Standard Study Materials.

Global Certification Exam.

Voices of Success Testimonials from our Satisfied Students & Clients

Real Stories, Real Success, Listen to Our Students Share Their Journey and Achievements with Our institute.

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