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Web Designing

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10-05-2024 UI/UX Designing 03:24:00 PM Book Demo

Web design means designing a website that is displayed on the internet. Web design encloses many different skills of websites. Web designing institute in Jaipur will help you learn all the different aspects of web design. Our course will start from the basic HTML and take you to the standard software. Creative web pixel has created the best web designing course in Jaipur. We have trained professionals who are working in this field for very long. We also have 15 years' market reputation in the IT industry which is quite long for any institute.


Daulat Ram

Hello, I'm Daulat Ram Vaishnav, your instructor in UI/UX & Web designing at Creative Web Pixel. With a passion for creating engaging digital experiences, I'm here to guide you through the exciting world of user interface and user experience design. Let's unleash our creativity and craft meaningful designs together!

Course : UI/UX Designing, Web Designing


₹ 25000


Daulat Ram


6 to 8 Month


05 Live Project


Term 01
Figma Introduction
  • When and when not to use Components in Figma

  • What is good spacing to use in Figma

  • What spacing should I use for web & app design in Figma

  • Auto Layout vs Constraints in Figma

  • Autolayout shortcuts: Tips and tricks to work with Auto Layout faster

  • Responsive Lower Navigation

Term 02
Advanced Workflow Tricks
  • How to handle files in Figma and become a File Handling Master

  • How to use advanced Copy | Paste | Selection Tricks in Figma?

  • How to do crazy things with your Figma fields?

  • Frame Tricks: Tips and Tricks to work with Figma frames effectively

  • Advanced Zooming Techniques for precision work in Figma

  • Light or Dark vs System Theme: Which one to use in Figma?

  • Mobile app

  • web layout

  • web layout with protyping

Term 03
Figma - Grids
  • Grid v Constraints v Autolayout in Figma: Which one to use and when?

  • How to copy & paste grids and export grid styles in Figma

  • Grids inside of frames that aren't the main frame

  • How to update Grid Styles in Figma

  • How to add rows and column grids to one layout in Figma

Term 04
Nested & Responsive Auto layouts
  • Intro to Nested & Responsive Auto layouts Section

  • Production video - Tidying up my frame & component mess

  • Bring in images using the unsplash plugin in Figma

  • Production video - Making the parts for our nested autolayout

  • Nesting Multiple Auto Layouts inside each other in Figma

  • Autolayout Nesting with variants and responsive text in Figma

  • Auto Layout on different device sizes- How to make advanced Auto Layouts

Term 05
  • Create & remove bulk multiple noodles wires at once in Figma

  • How to bulk update nav links in your Figma prototype

  • How to set the right phone and find old prototype phones in Figma

  • How to make sticky scroll position search bar in Figma

  • How to stack multiple sticky text vertical scrolling in Figma

  • Multiple Sticky Headings

  • How to make Interactive Components in Figma

  • How to make a checkmark turn on and off in Figma

  • Interactive components with sliding button in navigation for Figma

  • How to use Sections in Figma for organizing your content

  • How to use sections for prototyping in Figma

Term 06
Components & Variants
  • How to replace instances and variants with shortcuts in Figma

  • How to use Instance Swap Component Properties with preferred in Figma

  • How to use Component Text Property in Figma

  • How to make a input field using only component properties in Figma

  • How to Combine Variants with Component Properties in Figma

  • How to apply component properties to existing design systems

  • What does Expose Nested Instances do in Figma

Term 07
  • İntroduction to CSS

  • Syntax of CSS elements

  • Website Layout

  • CSS Selectors

  • Attribute Selectors

  • Add colors with RGB values

  • Opacity Property

  • Comments

  • Absolute Lengths

  • List-style-type

  • Display property

  • İnline-Block Value

  • Pseudo Classes

  • Pseudo Elements

  • Styling Links

  • Float Property

Term 08
CSS - Background
  • Background-Color property

  • Background Images

  • Background Position Property

  • Background Shorthand

  • Border and Outline Properties

Term 09
CSS - Border-Style
  • Border-Width

  • Border Radius

  • Outline Property

  • Outline-Offset

Term 010
CSS - Text Styling
  • Text-decoration

  • Text Transform

  • Text Spacing

  • Text-Shadow

  • Text-Alignment

  • Overflow Property

  • Word-Wrap Property

  • Font-Family

  • Font-Size

  • Font-Style

  • Visibility Property

Term 011
CSS - Box Model
  • What is Box Model?

  • Padding Property

  • Margin Property

  • Width and Height

  • Max-Width Property

  • Box-Sizing

  • Box Shadow

Term 012
CSS - Advanced Topics
  • Animation

  • Transition

  • Linear-Gradient

  • Radial-Gradient

  • 2D Transforms

  • 3D Transforms

  • Position property

  • Object-fit Property

  • User Interface

Term 013
Tailwind CSS
  • Getting Started with Tailwind CSS

  • Core Concepts

  • Customization

  • Base Styles

  • Layout

  • Flexbox & Grid

  • Spacing

  • Sizing

  • Typography

  • Backgrounds

  • Borders

  • Effects

  • Filters

  • Transitions & Animation

  • Transforms

  • Two projects using Tailwind CSS

Term 014
Bootstrap - Fundamentals of Bootstrap
  • Environment Setup

  • Browser Support

  • How Bootstrap Work

  • Color & Customization

  • Breakpoints

  • Containers

  • Grid

  • Columns

  • Gutters

  • Reboot

  • Typography

  • Image

  • Table

  • Forms

  • Alerts

  • Accordion

  • Buttons

  • Badge

  • Card

  • Carousel

  • Navbar

  • Pagination

  • Changing Colors on Bootstrap with SASS

Term 015
HTML - Introduction
  • Roles of HTML | CSS | JS

  • Configuring VSCode

  • Installing The Tools We Need

  • Basic HTML Workflow

  • Paragraph Element

  • Mozilla Developer Network

  • Chrome Developer Tools

  • Document Structure

  • Creating HTML Comments

  • Creating Headings

  • Working With HTML Lists

  • Em | Strong | B | I Elements

  • Nesting Elements

  • Superscript and Subscript

  • Inline Vs. Block Elements

  • Creating Links

  • Other Types of Links

  • Creating Images

Term 016
HTML - Form
  • Creating Text Inputs and Buttons

  • The Form Element

  • Name and Placeholder Attributes

  • Properly Labelling Form Controls

  • Other Types of Inputs

  • Checkboxes | Textareas | Range Inputs

  • Selects and Radio Button Groupings

  • ourse Landing Page Form Exercise

Term 017
Responsive Design
  • Getting Started With Media Queries

  • Em & Rem Units

  • Vh & Vw Units

  • What Is Flexbox?

  • Flexbox Basics

  • Flex Properties

  • Flex Alignment & Justify

Term 018
  • JavaScript - Introduction

  • JavaScript Placement

  • External JavaScript

  • JavaScript Output

  • JavaScript InnerHTML

  • JavaScript Commenting

  • JavaScript Constants

  • JavaScript Variables Introduction

  • JavaScript Assignment Operator

  • JavaScript Arithmetic Operations

  • JavaScript Arithmetic Operations Continued

  • JavaScript Operator Precedence

  • JavaScript Data Types

  • JavaScript Objects

  • JavaScript Object Output

  • JavaScript Strings

  • JavaScript String Length

  • JavaScript Special Characters

  • JavaScript Random Numbers

  • JavaScript Min and Max Function

  • JavaScript Math Round Function

  • JavaScript Arrays

  • JavaScript Array Attributes

  • JavaScript Arrays - Pop - Push - Shift - Unshift

  • JavaScript Changing and Deleting Elements

  • JavaScript Splicing an Array

  • JavaScript Sorting an Array

  • JavaScript Joining Arrays

  • JavaScript Conditional Statements

  • JavaScript Comparisons

  • JavaScript Booleans

  • JavaScript For Loops

  • JavaScript For-In Loop

  • JavaScript While Loops

  • JavaScript Do-While Loop

  • JavaScript Break and Continue

  • JavaScript Functions

Term 019
  • Types Of Web Hosting

  • How to crate IP/Name server/DNS

  • Shared Hosting Setup

  • Hosting Company Links

  • Setting Up Email

  • Upload Your Site via FTP/Cpanel

Term 020
  • What is jQuery?

  • Adding jQuery Library to HTML Pages

  • Basic jQuery Example

  • jQuery Syntax

  • Document Ready Function

  • How to use Custom Scripts?

  • How to use Selectors?

  • CSS Element Selector and ID Selector

  • CSS Element Class Selector and Universal Selector

  • CSS Multiple Elements E | F | G Selector

  • jQuery Callback Functions

  • Get Attribute Value

  • Set Attribute Value

  • Apply CSS Properties

  • Setting Element Width & Height

  • jQuery CSS Methods

  • jQuery Online Effects

  • Slider

  • Lightbox

Term 021
Angular JS
  • What is AngularJS?

  • Basics of AngularJS

  • Role of Angular in website development

Term 022
Web designing Photoshop
  • Color

  • Tools

  • Selection

  • Cropping

  • Healing

  • Pen Tool

  • Text Tool

  • Custom Brushes

  • Animation

  • Patterns on surfaces

  • What Can Layers Do?

  • Using Adjustment Layers

  • Black and White Adjustment Layers

  • Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layers

  • Navigating in the Layers Panel

  • More Tips for Navigating in the Layers Panel

  • Introduction to Layer Masks

  • How to Create a Layer Mask

  • How to Show or Hide Parts of an Image Using Layer Masks

  • Blanding option

  • Navbar

  • Layer box

  • action

  • character pannel

  • paragraph panel

  • Photoshop 3d

  • Gif Animation

  • edit option

  • image option

  • layer option

  • type option

  • select option

  • filter option

  • View option

  • Window option

About This Course

Web design means designing a website that is displayed on the internet. Web design encloses many different skills of websites. Web designing institute in Jaipur will help you learn all the different aspects of web design. Our course will start from the basic HTML and take you to the standard software. Creative web pixel has created the best web designing course in Jaipur. We have trained professionals who are working in this field for very long. We also have 15 years' market reputation in the IT industry which is quite long for any institute.

Profile-Centric Resume Creation

Craft Your Success Story to Create a Powerful Profile-Centric Resume to Stand Out in the Job Market.

Interview Preparation

Master the Interview to Gain Confidence and Learn Effective Strategies for Success in Your Job Interviews.

Internship Opportunities

Step into the Professional World to Explore Exciting Internship Opportunities with us Tailored to Enhance Your Skills and Future Career.

Web designing course in Jaipur

In our course, we will not only teach you how to make a website but also the other important things like how to maintain a website, how to modify it and more. We have been working for long to bring the best web designing course in Jaipur. We also have an amazing professional team who will guide you during your course. This course will help to start your own business. If you want to pursue your career as a web designer then it will help to become an expert in web design skills. The creative web pixel is providing a web designing training institute in Jaipur. During the training period, you will work on the live projects that are going on in our institute. You can experience an office environment with learning in our institute. Our experts will always be there for you to guide you.

The objective of the web designing course

The main aim to learn web designing is to learn how to implement theories into practice. To become familiar with the web designing concepts. To develop your skills. To enhance and polish your skills under the experts. Develop your skills in creating a website. Learn how to maintain and modify the existing web site. This course will also help you to understand and plan your research related to website usability. The most important objective is to provide the theory and practical course of your interest so that you are able to build your career.

After the web designing course, what student would able to work as

There are an ample number of job opportunities for you after doing a web designing course. The few examples of the field in which you can work: -

If you are planning to bachelors in web designing then it is a 3 years course and fees are almost 50,000.

If you want to pursue a diploma in web designing, then it depends upon the college and institute course duration.

If you are planning for certification, then it is also depending upon the institution to institution. Some will provide a certification course of 4 months, a few of 8 months and so on.

The course duration in our institute is 4 months and the course fee is 15,000 and if you want to do training in web designing then it is for 6 months and the course fee is 20,000. In our course, we are covering the almost very important topic of web designing coaching in Jaipur that you should learn. We are also having an advanced web designing course. In an advance web designing course, you will learn and work on the latest technology.

Web designing course scope

This is something each one of you thinking of what is the scope of the web designing course. As we already described above the number of jobs in this. Now we will discuss the scope of web designing. The scope of web design never ends. As the digital world is going, the requirements of the web designer will also grow. It displays immense scope for interested students. Web designers are required in every field. Every field means in the media and Tv industry, companies who work in the digital market and many more fields.

Web designing course duration and fees

In web designing, there are various courses like bachelors, diploma, and certification also. The duration of the very course is different. We will tell you the duration and course fees below: -

If you are planning to bachelors in web designing then it is a 3 years course and fees are almost 50,000.

If you want to pursue a diploma in web designing, then it depends upon the college and institute course duration.

If you are planning for certification, then it is also depending upon the institution to institution. Some will provide a certification course of 4 months, a few of 8 months and so on.

The course duration in our institute is 4 months and the course fee is 15,000 and if you want to do training in web designing then it is for 6 months and the course fee is 20,000. In our course, we are covering the almost very important topic of web designing coaching in Jaipur that you should learn. We are also having an advanced web designing course. In an advance web designing course, you will learn and work on the latest technology.

Web designing course and placement

Web designing course uplifts your business skills. You can also start your own business as you become an expert in web designing. Web designing certification course is of only 4 months and helps you start your earning as early as possible. Web designing course will boost up your career if you want to pursue in the designing world. We will assure you that you will earn high once you are done with the certification in web design.

After your web designing certification in our institute, we are also conducting a placement drive for you. The average package offered by the companies is 3 lakhs. It might be more than that or less than that completely depends on the company. We will also train you for the placements. But it totally depends on your ability to crack the interview. We are here to help you and guide you for your future.

What is the education required for web designing?

Just after 12, you can do a web designing course. There are a variety of courses available. Some of the examples are also mentioned above to guide you. You can have any diploma or any type of certification as there are multiple certification courses available in web designing. With any of the certification courses, you can do training in web designing to become an expert and polish your skills.

Web designing course needs basic computer programming for styling the websites, creating the websites and also for modifying the website. So, there is no need to be scared of programming languages which are used in web designing.

We are also providing digital marketing training in Jaipur. Creative web pixel is also the best graphic design institute in Jaipur

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